CSS Naked Day 2006

Show off your semantic <body>!

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Kudos to these websites who got naked in 2006!

  1. Chris Rhee
  2. Pugia
  3. Jay G.
  4. The Rec
  5. Luca
  6. Jely
  7. Louie
  8. Claus Wahlers
  9. Madison Parks
  10. Arnod'mental
  11. Sulag
  12. Mariam Ayyash
  13. Digital Overtone (Kyle)
  14. Steve Ganz
  15. Bonita in Pink
  16. Sirbastian
  17. Trovster
  18. L3onheart
  19. Jeremy Keith
  20. Tomas Caspers
  21. Itchy Hands (David)
  22. Blogtellas
  23. John Bradley
  24. João Craveiro
  25. Allan Haggett
  26. Juque
  27. Boris
  28. Haggeluring
  29. Mats Lindblad
  30. Jorge
  31. Eric Schwarz
  32. Egree
  33. Prime Space
  34. Marcus
  35. Joseph Derrier
  36. Classical Web Designs (Louise Dade)
  37. Håkon Wium Lie
  38. Davide
  39. Andrea
  41. Pete
  42. James Darling
  43. Sally Carson
  44. Martin Baek
  45. Maternitus
  46. Marisa
  47. Martin
  48. Frank-Andre Thies
  49. Molly E. Holzschlag
  50. Paleck
  51. Atech
  52. Ingo
  53. Okeimakei
  54. Armit
  55. X5
  56. Gautam Chandna
  57. Cyber Pear
  58. Pimlico School
  59. keith SuPeR K!
  60. Sonja
  61. Jaakko Knuutila
  62. Stuart Langridge
  63. PSB-Subcom
  64. Kalle
  65. Audio Freak9
  66. Justin
  67. The Place is Dead (Ronnie Brown)
  68. Matt Turner
  69. Adham Somantrie
  70. Strict
  71. Oso96 2000
  72. Ryan Gregg
  73. Web-Graphics (Nate Steiner)
  74. Robert Hanson
  75. Dental
  76. Rob Russell
  77. Marios
  78. Patrick
  79. Roman Edirisinghe
  80. Folletto Malefico
  81. Derek Punsalan
  82. Tony
  83. Peter
  84. Pfotolog
  85. Thorsten Schäfer
  86. Wayne
  87. Ed
  88. Will
  89. Kmarex
  90. Deute
  91. Parmon
  92. Tiger Blade
  93. ORi0n
  94. Christian Stein
  95. Mauricio Samy Silva
  96. Andrew Bossom
  97. Lato P
  98. Pixel Cow
  99. Hobby
  100. Ahste
  101. Jonathan Eckmier
  102. Mike
  103. The Norty Pig
  104. Keith Oldham
  105. James Mathias
  106. Baldo
  107. Bartosz
  108. Pilza 2
  109. Nmeans
  110. Manish Jethani
  111. NiKo
  112. Akella
  113. Dylan
  114. Tamburix
  115. Raven
  116. Joel Ross Housman
  117. Michael Greene
  118. Acid Smile
  119. ArissTotle
  120. Matachin
  121. Markus
  122. Laurence Anderson
  123. Neovov
  124. Elisa
  125. My Drinking Family
  126. Andrew Urquhart
  127. Neil Patel
  128. Lance Willett
  129. N305er
  130. Daf Team
  131. Laith Zraikat
  132. Grey Wyvern
  133. Ghj
  134. Kristin K. Wangen
  135. Kris Szafranski
  136. Sebid
  137. The Daily Time Waster
  138. Ibrahim
  139. Dtamas
  140. Computer Guru
  141. Tony Siino
  142. France
  143. Gwen
  144. SMT
  145. John Beisley
  146. Chris
  147. Colemanitis
  148. David Iffland
  149. Steve Pugh
  150. frAgor
  151. Fabrizio Branca
  152. Nazgul
  153. And all that Malarkey (Andy Clarke)
  154. 20cent (Vincent VALENTIN)
  155. Luca
  156. Melbourne Chapter (Richard Lee)
  157. Matt
  158. Jorge Yau
  159. Don Jones
  160. Aaron Gustafson
  161. Pheonix
  162. Dave
  163. Web Design References
  164. Joshua Kendall
  165. Sherwin Techico
  166. Scott
  167. Laura
  168. Torsten Sillus
  169. Matt Northam
  170. Leased Website Design
  171. Vitaly Friedman
  172. Josue Palma
  173. Dan Rubin
  174. Bartini
  175. Resistan
  176. KarmaDude
  177. Aurelian
  178. Richard
  179. Macelodeon (Stegoe)
  180. Brant
  181. Mark
  182. Pablo López
  183. Mike Brown
  184. Peter
  185. Kate Spanos
  186. The Colonel
  187. Sebastian
  188. Fresh PX
  189. Reality B
  190. Crynobone
  191. Kalle
  192. Guillermo Esteves
  193. Grzesiek
  194. Sven
  195. Dave Vogt
  196. Aja
  197. The Standards Guy (Carl Kawson)
  198. Xxdesmus
  199. Viking Karwur
  200. Muhammad Zamroni
  201. Kaaosa
  202. Liskl
  203. Christian Montoya
  204. Jesse Collins
  205. Cédric Bonvin
  206. Dominik
  207. Maraby
  208. Morgan Aldridge
  209. Via Revolucón
  210. Fran Tarifa
  211. Reflection Design (Swoop)
  212. Markus
  213. Sole
  214. Craig Saila
  215. Outer
  216. Tilman
  217. Brajeshwar
  218. Logan Leger
  219. Johna
  220. Dave
  221. Channy
  222. Matthias
  223. Jehiah
  224. Caramellamorbide
  225. Agung
  226. Mega Tokio (Vesa Piittinen)
  227. Cody Mays
  228. Gim
  229. Antonio
  230. Shawn Grimes
  231. Eugenio Martínez Sierra
  232. Stephen Clay
  233. Ritz
  234. Max Villegas
  235. Vinicius Braga
  236. Iñaki
  237. Brian
  238. Ben Stucki
  239. Nate
  240. Sudar
  241. Didats
  242. She
  243. Jesse
  244. Rune M. Andersen
  245. Mrc
  246. Four Questions (Joshua Tallent)
  247. Jeremy Flint
  248. Googlisti
  249. Tim Crowe
  250. Bernie Zimmermann
  251. Roobarb
  252. Tanemori
  253. Accesible
  254. Pni
  255. Adame
  256. Sheep
  257. Anders Pollas
  258. Erolando
  259. Matt Jones
  260. Sea Quest
  261. Troels Thomsen
  262. Steve Park
  263. Juan G. Hurtado
  264. Tom Armitage
  265. Dan Mall
  266. Dominik
  267. Dragonee
  268. Dan Reason
  269. Steve J
  270. John Rolph
  271. Sam Newman
  272. Bhavana Rehani
  273. NSA
  274. Lukasz Pawlina
  275. Kris Khaira
  276. Jérôme Lauriol
  277. Jeremy Hubert
  278. Matthew Oliphant
  279. zRenard
  280. Ralph
  281. Kalli
  282. John K
  283. The Bitter Pill (Baxter)
  284. Ilmol
  285. Jake Ingman
  286. Radzio
  287. Bowo Ekowiodo
  288. Kafkaesqui
  289. Adriano Melo
  290. Depi
  291. Mainem
  292. Onno
  293. Bruce Lawson
  294. David Lindquist
  295. Mics
  296. DeWitt Clinton
  297. Conurb
  298. Monique
  299. Ted Drake
  300. F*** Parade
  301. Mike Haugland
  302. Gemma
  303. Adrian
  304. Rene Saarsoo
  305. Big Dog
  306. David Russell
  307. 51 Times
  308. Matt Heerema
  309. Nico Granelli
  310. Jason Beaird
  311. Javi Vicente
  312. Sébastien Guillon
  313. Dreadnaut
  314. Vida en Digital
  315. Alexander Vasarab
  316. Michael W. Reeps
  317. Luke W
  318. ichichich
  319. Aban
  320. Cosmin
  321. Stuart Cruickshank
  322. Kazimierz
  323. Serhiy Voloshyn
  324. Grey Fox
  325. Patrick H. Lauke
  326. Wave Ride
  327. IP Terminal
  328. Andrius Mazeika
  329. Ben Yancer
  330. Rik Hemsley
  331. Rony
  332. Bill Cole
  333. Eric Webster
  334. Andy Dingley
  335. Tom
  336. Steve Higgs
  337. Jem
  338. Golda
  339. Box of Chocolates (Derek Featherstone)
  340. Ricardo L
  341. Sam
  342. Hugo
  343. Gábor
  344. Reed Martz
  345. José R. Quevedo
  346. liDEL
  347. With Story (Astraea)
  348. Music Raven
  349. Stefan Isarie
  350. Da Scritch
  351. Scott
  352. Dave Simon
  353. Pawel
  354. Kartooner
  355. Marci
  356. Shawn Wilsher
  357. Joshie Surber
  358. Joen
  359. Bahnh of Strasse
  360. Kristof
  361. Brand Spanking New
  362. Abdelrahman Osama
  363. Zach Young
  364. Saito Toshiyuki
  365. Jordi Pujalte
  366. Judofyr
  367. Heewon Kim
  368. Sik Ander
  369. Sachama
  370. Constantinos Neophytou
  371. Greg Altuna
  372. Jorturos
  373. Midorigin
  374. Leopold Porkstacker
  375. Cameron Bulock
  376. 350 Designs (Yura)
  377. Teknosexua
  378. Dig Digger
  379. Jake
  380. Chris Heilmann
  381. Garry Nutting
  382. Jeff Louella
  383. Margarida
  384. kNo'
  385. Blogs Now (Andreas Wacker)
  386. Justin McGonigle
  387. Hurricane
  388. Keith
  389. Johannes la Poutre
  390. Kost
  391. William Tasso
  392. Estrup
  393. Chris Gwynne
  394. Mvail
  395. Glenda L Sims
  396. Patrick
  397. Miles
  398. Binny
  399. Marcelo Volmaro
  400. Shwe Darling
  401. Koka
  402. J. Brotherlove
  403. Gonzalo López
  404. Ilya N.
  405. Aaron Barker
  406. Anish
  407. Brett Kantor
  408. Boggle the mind (Jeff L)
  409. Becky
  410. John Havlik
  411. Starz Above
  412. PiscDong Studio
  413. Tom
  414. Michael Gall
  415. Slayeroffice (Steve Chipman)
  416. Mustache Competition (Chris LaQuerre)
  417. Love Line (Sprite)
  418. Hlb
  419. Zach Young
  420. Isofarro
  421. Seven Toes
  422. Debajit
  423. Andrew Ferguson
  424. Jeff Schiller
  425. Tristan Dekono
  426. Peter Arbuthnott
  427. Yellow Shirt
  428. Riddle
  429. Josh Lee
  430. John
  431. CSS Dev (Andy Peatling)
  432. Jon
  433. Pinz
  434. Addi
  435. Keith Gaughan
  436. Sam
  437. Rob Wilmshurst
  438. Ox
  439. Kyle Neath
  440. Christopher
  441. Edgar
  442. Rob Eberhardt
  443. Isaac Z. Schlueter
  444. Paul Boag
  445. Matthew J Tretter
  446. Julianne
  447. Craig C.
  448. Camel
  449. Ryan J. Bonnell
  450. Ralf G.
  451. Jegan
  452. Matthew Pennell
  453. Mark B.
  454. Tami Rawlings
  455. Carl Camera
  456. Gonzalo
  457. Jesse Rodgers
  458. Accessify (Ian Lloyd)
  459. Tom Jemmett
  460. Dan
  461. Quirksmode (PPK)
  462. Webdiva (Sian)
  463. Jonathan Holst
  464. Musix Zone
  465. Xtoph
  466. Caziam
  467. Dorothea
  468. Neil Crosby
  469. Twaites
  470. Artxtra
  471. Ifh
  472. Kjetil Knarlag
  473. Oskar Krawczyk
  474. Fabien
  475. Florian
  476. Smirnoffff
  477. Barwus
  478. Sash
  479. Tuemmel
  480. Hilde
  481. Yannick
  482. Pavel
  483. Paul
  484. Chris
  485. Crml
  486. Zach Hale
  487. Jan Kockrow
  488. Gary
  489. Jeriko One
  490. Mike Davidson
  491. Ara Pehlivanian
  492. Jens Oliver Meiert
  493. Jason Clark
  494. Travis Young
  495. Daniel Déchelotte
  496. Nadja
  497. Kevin Godby
  498. Marco Rosella
  499. Shaka Web
  500. Bloody Scotsmen (Twizlar)
  501. Elliot Swan
  502. Aoao
  503. Wilson Miner
  504. Jacky
  505. Sepatahkata
  506. Vidar
  507. Linoxs
  508. Mathie
  509. Choan Gálvez
  510. Kay Maatkamp
  511. Merc Works
  512. Dennis Bullock
  513. Paul Collins (Method Cart)
  514. Lord Jake
  515. Twisted Intellect
  516. Jarkko Laine
  517. Matthew Anderson
  518. Ray
  519. Cyberoog
  520. SangMin
  521. Mrben
  522. Stian
  523. Theinfor
  524. Olly
  525. Adrian
  526. Nick
  527. Jens
  528. Dustin Y.
  529. Maxcy
  530. Martijn ten Napel
  531. Andy Ford
  532. Jen
  533. Alex
  534. Dan Perdue
  535. Logan Koester
  536. Matt Todd
  537. Dan Allen
  538. David Hemphill
  539. Erratic Wisdom
  540. Simon Willison
  541. Inspired
  542. Code Red
  543. Paul Burdick
  544. Selby K
  545. Vinch
  546. Nathan Smith
  547. Zirafka
  548. Aqueos
  549. McFuture
  550. Alex Burr
  551. Splash of Style (Debbie T)
  552. Arthaey Angosii
  553. Robert Marshall
  554. Jon Åslund
  555. Natalie Jost
  556. Chesster
  557. Laura
  558. Robert Brodrecht
  559. Andreas Harder
  560. UITest
  561. Jules
  562. World Study Solutions
  563. Cabana Digital
  564. Stefan Von Dollen
  565. Samuel Mateo, Jr.
  566. Tomoya Otake
  567. Gani
  568. XThom
  569. Faster Pussycat Productions
  570. Aaron
  571. The Fraggle
  572. Emingos
  573. Wilhelm l
  574. Prasoon
  575. Glen C.
  576. Dean Edwards
  577. Country
  578. Ucantblamem
  579. CSS Liquid
  580. Thomas
  581. Patrick Haney
  582. Rizky
  583. Kelvin Luck
  584. Gustavo Cardoso
  585. PAPER On
  586. Framfab UK
  587. Nikki Jeske
  588. Greengnn
  589. Pig Pen
  590. Arm Chair Geek
  591. Site Offline
  592. Jorge Piñon
  593. Charles
  594. Bart
  595. Leona
  596. The Naked Truth (N. Mallory)
  597. Ebo
  598. Mirko
  599. Losa Morales
  600. Volkan Ozcelik
  601. Travis
  602. Chamie
  603. Scott
  604. Michel
  605. Dynamic Workflow (Dirk)
  606. Henry Diaz
  607. Nick Presta
  608. Stabani
  609. Ree
  610. Alian
  611. Randy Hall
  612. Amy Park
  613. Josh Salverda
  614. LcF
  615. Jean-Luc
  616. Egil
  617. Dextro
  618. Dave
  619. Len
  620. Sheila Thomson
  621. Michael
  622. JotBe
  623. Chu Yeow
  624. James Gregory
  625. Sam Ruby
  626. Isabelle
  627. Colin D. Devroe
  628. Brendan
  629. Léonie (Tink) Watson
  630. Brett Taylor
  631. Solar Dream Studios (Craig Erskine)
  632. Serene Green
  633. Lu Torrefranca
  634. Swiss Metablog
  635. P.J. Onori
  636. Lukhnos
  637. Els
  638. Red Rocket
  639. Noth
  640. Bza
  641. Johannes la Poutre
  642. Dave Lowe
  643. Chris Way
  644. Kate Bolin
  645. Matthew Krivanek
  646. Angelsea Saby
  647. W
  648. Michal Baldyga/
  649. Timothy Gray
  650. Knyter Rafal
  651. Tom
  652. Jack Mottram
  653. Greg
  654. Simbul
  655. William Alexander
  656. James
  657. Michael
  658. Jody
  659. Scott Swabey
  660. Maxcy
  661. Eston Bond
  662. Helical Library (Gemma)
  663. Pavel
  664. Kgl
  665. Website Style (Nicole Hernandez)
  666. Wolfgang Bartelme
  667. Micah
  668. Ben Eastaugh
  669. Curtis
  670. Manuel
  671. Fluffi
  672. Anthony Ettinger
  673. Remi Prevost
  674. Gerhard Seemüller
  675. Maxpower
  676. Alexey Feldgendler
  677. Theta Tau
  678. Dave Belson
  679. Felixt
  680. Mon!
  681. Sip Khoon
  682. Schafft Web Development
  683. Kyle Mistry
  684. Chuck Greenwalt
  685. Ms Contrary
  686. Jim Auldridge
  687. Mark Seymour
  688. Dagi3d
  689. Nekrataal
  690. Babozor
  691. HoiPolloi
  692. Scott Lewis
  693. Andreas
  694. Daz
  695. Blid
  696. Siobhan Curran
  697. Marcus Wynwood
  698. Phu
  699. Keri Henare
  700. Gatopardo
  701. Menza
  702. Gerrit
  703. Dustin Selman
  704. Ryan
  705. Ashley It
  706. l0b0
  707. Brent Ashley
  708. Hannim
  709. Open Switch (Ben Gray)
  710. Philipp Lenssen
  711. Ian Forrester
  712. Suthers
  713. Dryan
  714. Shaho
  715. Zhang Yining
  716. Alex Saueressig
  717. Leygues aka Voulf
  718. Meurglys
  719. Tobi
  720. Andry
  721. Migi
  722. Wildmary
  723. Siriux (Nico)
  724. Zaigham
  725. Dee
  726. Andy
  727. Joern
  728. Cool Mann
  729. Trever Fischer
  730. Pig Work
  731. Kitune
  732. Jay
  733. David Hammond
  734. Pesche
  735. Zwei Zwei Drei
  736. Giuseppe
  737. Atnexxt
  738. aNieto 2k
  739. Beta Flow (Michael Wales)
  740. April
  741. Lindsay Evans
  742. Fritz
  743. Clagnut (Richard Rutter)
  744. Hyeonseok Shin
  745. 52 Tease (Darren)
  746. S.Tabani
  747. Gine
  748. Dan Halliday
  749. Kenric Ströhm
  750. Stoepselchen
  751. Ghyspran
  752. Erik Weibust
  753. Jesse Gardner
  754. Eric
  755. Samuel “Artoo” Goodwin
  756. Geoff
  757. Eileene Coscolluela
  758. Jimmy Duvall
  759. Sebastian
  760. Miren
  761. Dan Bowling
  762. Alex
  763. Dustin Diaz (Myself)